Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Easter Pic!!

This is the new Easter Pic of the boys that I promised in the last post. My mom kept them Friday night and part of Saturday, because both my husband and I were on call for our jobs.

I went to Wal-Mart Friday night when I got off work, and picked up some clothes for the boys to wear on Saturday. It was just easier than driving all the way home and back to my mom's, since I was tired. The clothes just happened to sort of "match".

My mom and dad took them to the mall to have their picture made with the Easter Bunny. I think Cooper was totally scared of him. He had been crying in this picture, but for a split second, he quit, and they snapped the picture. Cute enough huh? I think so anyway. I'm biased though.

Hope you have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! I can never decide who is cutest, so it's a draw! Both boys are precious. I haven't seen them in forever. Know they are such fun. Give Connor and Cooper a big hug and kiss from great aunt Gloria.

Southern Fried Gal said...

So cute! I love your banner picture, too!

Terry said...

I love your blog it is so precious.
Enjoy all the wonderful photo moments that you can they pass buy so fast. In the blink of an eye your children are suddenly 25,or 30 ,and on and on it goes !
Blessings to you and your beautiful family.
Just an F.Y.I. all children seem to be scared during their first Easter Bunny photo shoot some get over it and some remember you must cry it is tradition or something of the sort.
Have a blessed week.